Algorithms Where Do I Belong Learn how to solve the freeCodeCamp algorithm 'Where Do I Belong' using the Array.sort() method and some good old fashioned logic!
JavaScript Diff Two Arrays Learn how to solve the freeCodeCamp algorithm 'Diff Two Arrays' using the Array.indexOf() JavaScript method and a for-loop.
JavaScript Sum All Numbers in a Range Learn how to solve the freeCodeCamp algorithm 'Sum All Numbers in a Range' using the Array.sort() JavaScript method and a for-loop.
Tutorials Featured GitHub API Tutorial Build a simple web application by learning the fundamentals of the GitHub API and then display dynamic data to the front-end!
JavaScript String.charAt() The JavaScript String.charAt() method returns a new string containing the character from the index specified.
JavaScript Chunky Monkey Learn how to solve the freeCodeCamp algorithm 'Chunky Monkey' using a for-loop and the Array.push() JavaScript method.
Algorithms Wherefore Art Thou Learn how to solve the freeCodeCamp algorithm 'Wherefore Art Thou' using the Array.filter() and other JavaScript methods.
JavaScript Date Object The JavaScript Date object is a great tool for using dates and times in your web application. Check out the practical example used for generating timestamps for an example chat app.
JavaScript Array.unshift() The Array.unshift() JavaScript method allows you to quickly add one or more items to the beginning of an array and returns the new length of said array.
JavaScript Array.shift() The Array.shift() JavaScript method allows you to easily remove the first item of an array, and will subsequently return the removed item.
JavaScript Array.pop() The Array.pop() JavaScript method allows you to easily remove the last item of an array, and will subsequently return the removed item.
JavaScript Array.join() The Array.join() JavaScript method takes all of the items in an array and joins them together as a string, with the option for a separator between each array item.
JavaScript Array.reverse() The Array.reverse() method is an extremely useful, yet simple JavaScript method that takes an array and reverses it's contents.
JavaScript String.slice() The JavaScript String.slice() method allows you to extract part of a string and return a new string with the extracted value.
Algorithms Seek and Destroy Learn how to solve the freeCodeCamp algorithm 'Seek and Destroy' using the Arguments Object and Array.prototype.splice() JavaScript methods.
Algorithms Confirm the Ending Learn how to solve the freeCodeCamp algorithm 'Confirm the Ending' using the String.slice() method.
Algorithms Return Largest Numbers in Arrays Learn how to solve the freeCodeCamp algorithm 'Return Largest Numbers in Arrays' using a for-loop and the Array.push() method.
Algorithms Find the Longest Word in a String Learn how to solve the freeCodeCamp algorithm 'Find the Longest Word in a String' using the String.split() method and a for loop.
Algorithms Slice and Splice Learn how to solve the freeCodeCamp algorithm 'Slice & Splice' using the Array.prototype.slice() and Array.prototype.splice() JavaScript methods.
Algorithms Factorialize a Number Learn how to solve the freeCodeCamp algorithm 'Factorialize a Number' using a little bit of recursion.
Algorithms Reverse a String Learn how to solve the freeCodeCamp algorithm 'Reverse a String' using the String.split(), Array.reverse(), and Array.join() JavaScript methods.
Algorithms Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit Learn how to solve the freeCodeCamp algorithm 'Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit' using the standard JavaScript mathematical operations.
JavaScript Array.push() Learn how to use the extremely useful JavaScript Array.push() method which allows for adding one or more element to the end of an array and returns the new length.
Tutorials Featured Wikipedia API Tutorial Here's a crash course on APIs using the Wikipedia API. Get a grasp on how to use APIs for your application.
JavaScript A 5 Minute Crash Course on APIs API, or Application Programming Interface is essentially a way for other applications to work with one another. Here's a crash course.