Node.js Featured A Practical Intro to Node.js A practical intro to Node.js where we get hands-on and experiment with the asynchronous and event-drive aspects of the popular single-threaded runtime!
JavaScript Array.some() The Array.some() method returns a Boolean value based on whether or not at least one item in the provided array meets the supplied condition(s).
JavaScript Template Strings Template strings are a much cleaner way of embedding variables and expressions within strings as opposed to using string concatenation.
JavaScript Comparison Operators In JavaScript, there are two types of comparison operators - strict and type-converting.
JavaScript Falsy Falsy is any value that's considered to be false when referred to in a Boolean context.
JavaScript Truthy Truthy is any value that's considered to be true when referred to in a Boolean context.
JavaScript Object Destructuring Object Destructuring is a little bit of syntactic sugar that can be used to bind the properties of an object to a variable.
JavaScript The method is a concise way to run the logic of a provided callback function over each element of a particular array.
JavaScript Array.includes() The Array.includes() method looks through an array for a specified value and returns a boolean.
JavaScript Ternary Operator The ternary operator is an incredibly useful and more concise way of writing your if-else statements.
JavaScript console.time() & console.timeEnd() A quick tip on how to use the console.time() and console.timeEnd() methods from the Google Chrome Devtools API.
JavaScript console.error() A quick tip on how to use the console.error() method from the Google Chrome Devtools API.
JavaScript console.table() A quick tip on how to use the console.table() method from the Google Chrome Devtools API.
JavaScript Adding CSS to Text in Chrome Console A quick tip on how to add CSS to your console.log statements.
JavaScript String.match() The String.match() method accepts a regular expression as a parameter which is then used to scan a string for any matches.
JavaScript String.charAt() The JavaScript String.charAt() method returns a new string containing the character from the index specified.
JavaScript Date Object The JavaScript Date object is a great tool for using dates and times in your web application. Check out the practical example used for generating timestamps for an example chat app.
JavaScript Array.unshift() The Array.unshift() JavaScript method allows you to quickly add one or more items to the beginning of an array and returns the new length of said array.
JavaScript Array.shift() The Array.shift() JavaScript method allows you to easily remove the first item of an array, and will subsequently return the removed item.
JavaScript Array.pop() The Array.pop() JavaScript method allows you to easily remove the last item of an array, and will subsequently return the removed item.
JavaScript Array.join() The Array.join() JavaScript method takes all of the items in an array and joins them together as a string, with the option for a separator between each array item.
JavaScript Array.reverse() The Array.reverse() method is an extremely useful, yet simple JavaScript method that takes an array and reverses it's contents.
Reference CS50 / CS50x 2018 Quick Links Here's a nice organized list of quick links for the CS50 / CS50x 2018 curriculum for Psets 1-5.
JavaScript Array.push() Learn how to use the extremely useful JavaScript Array.push() method which allows for adding one or more element to the end of an array and returns the new length.
JavaScript Functions In programming, functions are reusable snippets of code that you can 'call' when needed. Functions are made up of statements and can also accept arguments or parameters.