Reference CS50 / CS50x 2018 Quick Links Here's a nice organized list of quick links for the CS50 / CS50x 2018 curriculum for Psets 1-5.
Algorithms Factorialize a Number Learn how to solve the freeCodeCamp algorithm 'Factorialize a Number' using a little bit of recursion.
Algorithms Reverse a String Learn how to solve the freeCodeCamp algorithm 'Reverse a String' using the String.split(), Array.reverse(), and Array.join() JavaScript methods.
Algorithms Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit Learn how to solve the freeCodeCamp algorithm 'Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit' using the standard JavaScript mathematical operations.
JavaScript Array.push() Learn how to use the extremely useful JavaScript Array.push() method which allows for adding one or more element to the end of an array and returns the new length.
General How I Broke Into Tech A short story on how I decided I wanted to quit my job as a car salesman and start working in the tech industry. And how you can do it too!
Tutorials UI/UX & The Chrome Inspector Learn the ins-and-outs of how creating a great User Interface ultimately ties into an awesome overall User Experience. Learn how to use the Google Chrome Inspector to grab styles and adjust them on the fly!
Tutorials Featured Wikipedia API Tutorial Here's a crash course on APIs using the Wikipedia API. Get a grasp on how to use APIs for your application.
JavaScript A 5 Minute Crash Course on APIs API, or Application Programming Interface is essentially a way for other applications to work with one another. Here's a crash course.
JavaScript The Console Learn all about the Google Chrome Developer Tools Console and why it's hands-down one of the best tools to test your JavaScript code in the...
JavaScript String.split() The JavaScript String.split() method allows you to split a string into an array of substrings.
HTML HTML5 Boilerplate Here's a handy HTML5 Boilerplate that you can use to get your project off on the right foot.
JavaScript Functions In programming, functions are reusable snippets of code that you can 'call' when needed. Functions are made up of statements and can also accept arguments or parameters.